Importance Notice

Ethical Guideline

e-JSSNT will respond harshly to any violation of the contemporary codes of publication ethics. We will decide how to treat such violation referring to, e.g., guidelines and flowcharts proposed by Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/resources).


Authors retain copyright and grant The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science a license to publish their articles.

Open Access Policy

All articles published on e-JSSNT are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

You are free to copy and redistribute articles in any medium or format and also free to remix, transform, and build upon articles for any purpose (including a commercial use) as long as you give appropriate credit to the original source and provide a link to the Creative Commons (CC) license. If you modify the material, you must indicate changes in a proper way.

To give credit and provide the CC license, simply cite the article as follows, as an example: Claus M. Schneider, New Developments in Spin-Dependent Photoemission, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 16, p. 177 (2018); licensed under CC BY 4.0.

▶ Important notice

Even if the e-JSSNT articles are licensed under CC BY 4.0, use of some figures and tables which are reproduced under permission of a copyright holder (usually a publisher) is restricted. You must obtain permission from the copyright holder by yourself if you want use such contents.


Manuscripts must be written in clear and comprehensible English.

If you have concerns about the level of English in your manuscript, please ensure to have it proofread by a native English speaker or a scientific editing service before submission. If you submit a paper in poor English, it may take longer for peer review or, in the worst case, it may not be accepted for publication.

Paper Category

Express Letters

▶ Short reports that should be urgently published.
Less than 4 journal pages including figures, and the number of references should be 10 at the minimum.
▶ The methodology is correct and experiments/calculations and data analysis are rigorously conducted.
▶ The paper should be a prime research and contains new findings and novel ideas, interpretation, and/or claims. Novelty compared to previous studies should be clearly described.
▶ In the cover letter, the authors should describe the novelty and significance of the work that deserves priority handling as Express Letter. Unless a plausible description is provided, the Editor-in-Chief may return the manuscript without peer review. ▶ A first decision letter will be sent approximately 15 days after the Editorial Office receives the manuscript, and the paper will be published online as an advanced publication within 5 business days of acceptance.

Review Papers

▶ Topical reviews about hot issues recently discussed and debated in papers or conferences.
▶ Reviews of a series of research works in a particular field from research groups, together with relevant works from other groups.
▶ It should comprehensively cover and summarize related research. It contributes to a better understanding of the relevant scientific and technological fields.
▶ No length limit.

Regular Papers

▶ Reports of original research works.
▶ The methodology is correct and experiments/calculations and data analysis are rigorously conducted.
▶ The paper should be a prime research and contains new findings and novel ideas, interpretation, and/or claims. Novelty compared to previous studies should be clearly described.
▶ No length limit, but the number of references should be between 10 and 40.

Technical Notes

▶ Reports of advances in experimental apparatus and techniques.
▶ New combinations or original customizations of conventional apparatus, techniques, and/or protocols.
▶ Tips and know-how of experimental and theoretical studies that are useful for the community.
▶ Results of control experiments or data sets that are useful for the community.
▶ The methodology is correct and experiments/calculations and data analysis are rigorously conducted.
▶ Technical Notes presents a technological inventive step; there is a technological advance that has more beneficial effects than existing technologies.
▶ No length limit, but the number of references should be between 10 and 40.

Conference Papers

Conference participants who submit a manuscript for Conference Proceedings can select the type of the paper among four categories, i.e., Review Paper, Regular Paper, Technical Note, and Proceeding Paper.

Proceeding Papers
▶ Original research report presented at the conference with scientifically valid and technically sound.
▶ The methodology is correct and experiments/calculations and data analysis are rigorously conducted.
▶ The paper should be a prime research and contains new findings and novel ideas, interpretation, and/or claims. Novelty compared to previous studies should be clearly described.
▶ No length limit, but the number of references should be between 10 and 40.
▶ A short version or a summary of the already published paper is not allowed.

Review Papers, Regular Papers, Technical Notes
▶ Original research report presented at the conference.
▶ A report that meets requirements for publication as Review Paper, Regular Paper, or Technical Note. See above for the requirements of each paper.


▶ Errata are corrections to published articles.
▶ Authors of the articles can submit erratum requests when small but important errors which may cause misunderstandings are found in the articles.
▶ All requests are examined by the editors and, if the editors judged that errors are not of sufficient importance, Errata will not be published. For example, typing errors of insignificant words, an apparent misuse of words, or an error in a reference list are minor errors that can not be corrected by Errata.
▶ Please contact the editorial office for an erratum request (ejssnt@jvss.jp).

Manuscript Structure

All manuscripts should be written in good English. There is no length limitation except for Express Letters. For all types of the articles except for a Review Paper, i.e., a Regular Paper, a Technical Note, a Conference Paper, and a Express Letter, there is a limitation for the number of references that you can cite. Please see References.

The main text should consist of the following items in this order of presentation.


▶ The title should be concise, concrete, and attractive for a broad range of readers.
▶ The title length is limited less than 200 characters.


▶ Each author should be specified by the affiliation.
▶ At least one author should be indicated as a corresponding author with his/her e-mail address.


▶ The affiliation of each author is followed by the complete postal address.


▶ Every paper for publication must be preceded by a self-contained abstract setting out the essential contents.
▶ The length should be no more than 500 words.

Graphical Abstract

▶ A Graphical Abstract (GA) figure should be closely related to the content of the manuscript and capture readers' attention.
▶ The figure's aspect ratio of about 2:1 (width : length) is recommended.


▶ Up to 5 keywords are selected. They are used for keyword searches by J-STAGE search engine.

Main text

▶ You can make sections (e.g., I. INTRODUCTION), sub-sections (e.g., A. Sample preparation), and sub-sub-sections (e.g., 1. Metal oxides), if necessary.


▶ Figure numbers are presented by Arabic numerals [e.g., Figure 1, Figure 1(a, b), Figures 1–3].
▶ An abbreviation form (Fig. or Figs.) should not be used.
▶ When referring to multiple panels in the same figure, it should be expressed as; Figure 1(a, b), Figure 1(b–d), etc.


▶ Table numbers are presented by Arabic numerals [e.g., Table 1, Tables 2 and 3].
▶ Tables should be kept to the minimum. The same data should not be reproduced in both tabular and diagrammatic forms. Essential tables should be provided with legends making them intelligible without reference to the text.


▶ Only scientific, technical, and financial support should be acknowledged.

Appendices (if applicable)

▶ Appendices for subsidiary subjects such as derivations of some equations, calibration of some experimental parameters, and so on can be offered in the following two ways:
(1) The appendices are presented between the acknowledgment section and the reference section.
(2) The appendices can also be provided in a separate file as Supplementary Material.
▶ If the manuscript accompanies Supplementary Material(s), a short description of the content must be provided in the Appendix section. See, for example, DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2020.24.


▶ References should be consecutively numbered in the text using square brackets, for example: "... As reported by Geim and Novoselov [1], ..." and listed by number in the Reference list at the end of the text in the following style. Do not forget to attach DOIs.
[1] A. K. Geim and K. S. Novoselov, Nat. Mater. 6, 183 (2007). https://doi.org/10.103/nmat1849
[2] Y. Qian, C. Zhou, and A. Huang, Carbon 8, 28 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2018.04.062
[3] S. Hüfner, Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003) Chap. 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09280-4
[4] H. Yamada, in: Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy, edited by S. Morita, R. Wiesendanger, and E. Meyer (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002) p. 193. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-56019-4
▶ We adopt ISO4 to abbreviate the journal names. Correct abbreviations are required to make automatic links to the references by J-Link System of J-Stage. Please visit here for correct journal titles and abbreviations.
▶ The number of references you cite should be usually between 10 and 40 for a Regular Paper, a Technical Note, and a Conference Paper. For a Review Paper, there is no limitation. For a Express Letter, 10 references are recommended at the minimum.
▶ DOIs are used to make links to the source and are not apparently shown in published PDF files.

Supplementary Material

▶ Supplementary Material can be published along with the main article.
▶ Supplementary Material should provide additional substantive material but must not include discussion or key analyses.
▶ Movies and animations can also be accepted. See, for example, DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2020.231, and DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2020.146.
▶ A short description of the content of Supplementary Material should be given in Appendix. See, for example, DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2020.249, DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2020.24, and DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2019.5.

Required Materials for Submission

Cover Letter

▶ A cover letter is required for all submitted manuscript.
▶ A cover letter for the Express Letter should contain a description of the novelty and significance of the work that deserve the priority handling of Express Letters.


▶ It is recommended to prepare the manuscript using a Microsoft Word template.
▶ A LaTex file is also acceptable.

Figure Files

▶ Figures, including Graphical Abstract, and illustrations are acceptable only in TIFF, JPG, PDF, or EPS formats.
Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, Power Point) are also accepted.
▶ After acceptance, the authors are asked to upload figure files besides a manuscript file.
▶ The file sizes are preferably adjusted by the authors.

Supplementary Material

▶ A PDF file is preferred for Supplementary Material, though a Microsoft Word file is also accepted.
▶ Movies and animations with any formats are acceptable. However, animation GIF is recommended because not every reader has Media Player or Quick Time.


Microsoft Word

▶ Please use one of templates to prepare the manuscript.
  ◆ Express Letter (Two-column template) (Single-column template)
  ◆ Review Paper (Two-column template) (Single-column template)
  ◆ Regular Paper (Two-column template) (Single-column template)
  ◆ Technical Note (Two-column template) (Single-column template)
  ◆ Erratum (Single-column template)
▶ Include the figures in the text, which will be used for a review.
Estimation of the number of pages: The number of pages of a published paper is approximately the same as the number of pages of the manuscript excluding figures and tables, regardless of the type of template (two-column or single-column).


▶ You need a template file as well as a definition file (ejssnt.tex), both of which should be put in the same folder when compiled.
▶ Since the sample source file is available under RevTex4 environment, you need to install proper tools from The American Physical Society.
  ◆ Latex (.tex)
  ◆ Latex Style File (ejssnt.tex)

Article Processing Charge (APC)

For authors in Japan:
▶ For all types of papers except Conference Papers: JPY 10,000
▶ For Conference Papers: Actual cost of publication
(Note) A transfer fee is paid by a sender.

For authors in other countries:
▶ For all types of papers except Conference Papers: USD 93
▶ For Conference Papers: Actual cost of publication
(Note1) USD 14 for a commission charge of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. is required in addition to the APC.
(Note2) A commission charge of the bank on the sender's side is also paid at sender's expense.

An invoice will be sent to the corresponding author after Advance Publication.

Submission Instruction

Submission Instruction Manual
Submit all the files through the ScholarOne system. The total size of the all files should be less than 50MB.

Note Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being simultaneously considered for publication in other journals or books and that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication.

Required Material for a Review Process

▶ For a review process, a single manuscript file in a PDF or a Microsoft Word document is necessary.
▶ All figures with a moderate resolution should be embedded.
▶ In the case that the figures cannot be embedded in the main text, the figure files can be uploaded separately.
▶ If there is a Supplementary Material file, please upload it separately.

After Receiving an Acceptance Notice

▶ The authors who prepare the manuscript by Latex are required to upload a Tex source file and figure files along with a PDF file.
▶ The authors who prepare the manuscript by a Microsoft Word template are required to upload a document file along with figure files.
▶ The figure resolution is necessary to be high enough.
▶ A final version of a Supplementary Material file is also uploaded.

Editorial office of e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol.
5F Ishikawa Bldg., 5-25-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
E-mail address : ejssnt(at)jvss.jp